✦ Terms of Service✦

Includes every important information you need to know before commissioning me! Please read carefully through these terms for the benefits of both parties, me (the artist) and you (the client).


  • Human characters

  • Furries (Varies)

  • Fanart, Ship art

  • Simple~Moderated details background

  • Slight NSFW

  • Etc.


  • Hard NSFW

  • Mecha, difficult armor

  • Complex background

  • Art that contains controversial or extreme negative content (Gore, hateful context, political, etc.)

This list might not be completed, further information and decisions will be discussed in the process of commission.

General Guidelines

By commissioning, you (the client) have agreed to these terms of service:

  • Client must provide clear informations required in the Commission Form.

  • All commissions by default are for personal use only, which mean:

  • All copyrights of the artwork itself, excluding the character or some other elements, will still belong to me.

  • You are not allowed to change, edit, alter, sell, trade the art piece or use it for any other profitable actions (including adoptable, art trade, etc.)

  • Printing is allowed for personal use (Only the client can own the copy of the artwork and no one else).

  • Sharing/Reposting should include proper credits.

  • I do not allow my work to be used for NFTs, AI training and other Web3 platforms/markets.

  • For profit or commercial use, additional fees will be discussed depends on the purposes and scale of the commission. Further information here.

  • The final product might be included in my future samples or posts on social medias. If you are not comfortable with this, please notice beforehand.

  • All commissions are estimated to be finished depends on the scale of the commission. This estimation will be discussed with the client. If there are additional reasons for delay that come from my schedule and/or personal business, I am responsible to notify the client about it.

  • I will not accept commissions with unrealistic deadline. If the commission is urgent and I'm capable of reaching the date, I will charge additional fees for priority rights.

  • I reserve the rights to decline the commission if I feel uncomfortable, or uncapable of doing it.

Commission payment and processes

  • Current accepted payment method: Paypal Invoice

  • The process of the commission will be constantly updated throughout 5 stages: Sketch, Line art (optional - depends on the type of the commission), Base color, Rendering, Final revisions.

  • At least 50% of the payment must be made before the sketch process starts (down payment). The rest must be sent before the final work is finished.

  • During the sketch and lineart, you will not be charged for any request for adjustments. After the 2 said stages, you are given 5 times for free. Further additional adjusments then would be charged.

Refund Policies

  • Only for valid reasons. I reserve the right to decline if it is not reasonable.

  • Available refund plans: 30% after finished sketch, 10% after base color/lineart. After that refund won’t be available.

  • If the reason is due to 100% my responsibility (Eg: Commission that is too late overdue), 70~100% refund may be available.

Commercial Uses

  • Varies on the scale of the commission, additional pricing will be charged.

  • Client must provide clear information about the commercial use (E.g: Brief, client's party profile, scale of the commercial party, etc.)

  • Client must prepare an agreement, contract or any legal document for the purchase.